Saturday, 16 July 2016

Been a while...

Well Ok I actually forgot about it full stop... Not a lot of surfing or skating to be reported anyway to be honest. Carver deck and trucks purchased which is wicked and also a street sweeper for land sup.

Someone in Italy is making a prefab wave for the carver boards - but they are of course very expensive - then remembered that it looks just like Meanwhile II -

So come the hols I'll have to have an early morning visit :)

This place was the site of many a miss spent day in my early-mid twenties - the days of skating being underground. You could only buy skate gear from about 3 places - Rough Trade Records being one of them (in Portobello at the time), Thrasher Magazine was like a photocopy version and only Tower Records had them. The ROM was still going but everywhere else was real derelict - Brixton was rough as shit, Meanwhile was very dodgy - where the fence is on the left was a gap where every homeless bod there used to piss in - let your board go down the back and you paid for it - there were some fine dives to save the boards going down!

Arrrr memories.....

Must visit Kennington as well as this has been resurfaced a few years ago. Basically the same prefab blocks but bigger and no lip. There was a smaller bowl somewhere as well - can't remember where, it was in a skanky estate and we always had to cut the fence to get in as it was under a permanent demolition order. 10 skaters forever carving around it was awesome but often ended in chaos - wish I knew where it was taken...

Anyway let you know when we have been down to them both - if I survive.